Wednesday, December 10, 2008

week 6 puzzle from the journal Knowledge management and innovation: network and networking

2) IT-based tools
answer: networking
relationship between the user/ employee /stakeholder either its formal or informal means

3)Problem with IT-led knowledge management
it a condition where the system, information or knowledge maybe redundant to the user

4) Problem in sharing tacit knowledge
answer: Codification

problem of codification of KM and the importance of tacit knowledge. attempt to codify tacit knowledge may result in knowledge that is useless, difficult to verify, insignificant, inaccurate, redundant to the wider audience and therefore cannot be easily be articulated or transferred in explicit form.
problem of exploitation and exploration. the building of network to formalized knowledge sharing may introduce rigidities into the system and reinforce existing organizational boundaries that make process of knowledge sharing and creation which is central to interactive innovation project more difficult.
problem of supply and demand of knowledge. Supply Driven approach focus on IT-based tools to build network for the supply of knowledge and information which will then, somehow miraculously be applied and used to develop innovative solution. Demand Driven approach tend to be more concerned with creation and application of knowledge attitude of multiple stakeholder there is more human networking centered and more relevant.

5) type of networking that act as a medium for the exchange of tacit knowledge
face-to-face meeting allow employees to met up and discuss matter less formally and therefore break down the barrier of formality thus communication are more effective between people.

8)the characteristic of cognitive network model
answer: technology
in a cognitive network model technology is the driving force behind the changes applied. the system is implemented and people are expected to learn and innovate on their own.

1) A social communication process
answer: networking
Business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people. There are several prominent business networking organizations that create models of networking activity that, when followed, allow the business person to build new business relationship and generate business opportunities at the same time.

6) the way to create new knowledge
answer: exploration
its a method of getting innovation through the participation of people in the production of new innovation and knowledge. unlike exploitation which collect the information and use the current information and knowledge, exploration creates new knowledge from other source which may sometime be unrelated but can prove to be useful in the creation of new knowledge.

7) the concern of demand-driven approach to KM
answer: application
Demand Driven approach tend to be more concerned with creation and application of knowledge attitude of multiple stakeholder there is more human networking centered and more relevant

9) the characteristic of community networking model
answer: collaboration
in the community networking model , trust and collaboration is the critical factor in the success of the model. unlike the cognitive networking model that emphasis technology, people are the main catalyst here.


'izzaty salehhon said...

silalah, membuat tag yg dah ditujukan pada saudara dzul...

harap maklum..=p

nixirafarra said...

well, his birthday is on 25 la syg~
ur on 29
kalu u dok melaka memg i da smbut, da thing is
u di cyber.
sorry lorh.
xle, teddy bear 4 him only la

suspect_crzy said...

dude!! wht the user base on ue plat?? hahaha xbleh blah..

eh uncle..birthday dah past ker? alor..bru nk blnje air liur jer haha disgusting

nixirafarra said...

hey u, update larh blog. adeh~