Saturday, February 21, 2009

Personalizing this blog for myself

Hello everyone. As you might take a glimpse look at the previous posting you might notice it’s a bit kinda formal. That is because it’s initially meant for my Knowledge Networking subject I took last semester. Well its over and now I have the page for my self. So do drop by as there will be updates. Stay tuned…


suria said...

ur blog is like odd and xbesh hahha

well my dear uncle,kinda miss u a bit.hope to see u soon
take care!!~

nixirafarra said...

i miss you 2 3 4!

D'Izk said...

sabar lah. baru nak start blog nih. feature gadget pun tak reti nak buh lagi. baru belajar.

suria said...

hahahaah lousy uncle...

cepat2 comment on my cbox

nixirafarra said...

nanti terer la tu