Saturday, July 11, 2009

MMU Intern reporting in for duty

Rushing all the way to UOA Bangsar South from UOA Building Bangsar after realizing that they are two different building, I sprint on my scooter toward Kerinchi. I got an interview with the company GM at 3.30pm and the watch it ticking 3.55pm. OMG im f**ked. First impression matter and I already display a bad one, especially to a high ranking officer, who gonna determine if im good for it or not. I reach the receptionist at 4pm and being asked by the GM secretary to go to level 8 and sit in the waiting room. There my fate awaits, my heart was pounding, im sweating from the heat of the day, in my mind I was thinking how will the GM react to my incompetence and probably gonna throw me out of the building after he is done scolding me, my imagination is running wild with every worst possible scenario but yet im trying to keep calm and kept my finger crossed.

How it all start? Its June 2009, its the trimester where I should go for Industrial Training and all my course mate had done so and get their own respective placement in a company of their choosing. Well it all started early June when im suppose to sit for SIDC licensing examination so I can be a derivatives trader with CIMB. It was a requirement that will make it easier for me to get in, and while at it use it to complete as my Industrial Training programme as required by the university to graduate with a bachelor degree, and after three failed attempt ( and RM800 spent) I finally had to do what I pledge myself not to do… ask my father to help me out… what ever happen to being completely independent??? God help me… when will I ever be on my own two feet? (with that mean to be a total self reliance grown up man). Im still a boy not yet a man…

On Wednesday 8th June my father sms me to contact the GM asap. I called him in the evening after I reach home after going to Selayang to settle some utility bills. He set up an appointment for me around 3.30pm the next day, I thanked him and the call ended. I get my ass to complete the necessary paperwork which was gone after my previous computer hard drive crashed. I asked my dad to help me out the Friday of previous week, and my prayers got answered today, amen.

Back in the waiting room, the air conditioner chill helps calm me down. I put my resume and CV on the table if my interviewer wants to see it, wipe the sweat of my face with my handkerchief, and put up a confident face. The GM, Mr.DK*(name had been change to protect identity) walks into the room with another guy. Exchange hand shake, introduce each other, exchange some questions, and in 10 minutes it’s over. The GM had made arrangement for me to be in different department every few weeks for the next 14 weeks of my intern. For my first post will be the facilities management, the other guy in the room just now was the head of maintenance department Mr.RG* (name had been changed to protect Identity) which will be my first supervisor bring me to level 1 office floor. Show me around a little and designate me my cubicle which is going to be my workstation for the next few weeks. I start on the next day.

On Friday 10th June, I came in early, before 8am. Maintenance crews punch in at 8am while the rest of the staff at 9am. The first person I met on first day of job is Mr.TCH* (guys bear with me I need to protect the identity of people there) he open the office door for me since I don’t have the access tag. Sit at my workstation until Mr.RG show up. Around 8.30am he calls me up for the morning briefing, I introduce myself to the maintenance team and the briefing begins. After the briefing I went to Mr.RG room. He asked about my course im taking (oh yeah, all my course mate had a hard time explaining that to people) and whats my objective for coming here. After half an hour talking he show me around the new development vicinity nearby. Show me Sphere, the new shopping complex built by UOA at Bangsar South (actually the area is Kerinchi but for the township developed by UOA there its being brand as Bangsar South). I being assign to monitor the condition of the mall. To keep an eye on any defects and work done by the mall tenant contractor on behalf of my supervisor. The building is new so contractors are still doing renovation and my task is to make sure they follow the rules and regulation of renovation. That’s my first function. My second function is to assist the crew to write report on building defects. It come to mu understanding that they are not quite good in writing reports in English and its my task to collect, organize and write it nicely for Mr.RG. Office paperwork in short…

Saturday 11th June. Working on Saturday. For other staff the only work 5 days a week but for facilities staff its 6 days. Its because the new building is launching soon so they on full alert for any detail that requires immediate attention. Today I watch Mr.Fred* conduct fire fighting exercise with the Security department staff. The GM, Mr.DK was present. Afterward I participate with the Maintenance crew on fire alarm test, though I didn’t do much, juz checking the PA system in the ground floor lobby area. Mr.DK was there too. He asked me about how much allowance does my other course mate receive and I told him its up to the company, some of them receive as high as RM1k, some give around RM300 to RM400, and there are those who are not paid at all. He nod, and ask me to submit my details to Mr.RG on Monday. From the expression Mr.DK I stand a chance to get it, just not sure how much, perhaps he’s impressed that I show up today, who knows but thank god I decide to come to work today, even though according to Mr.RG I don’t have too. For me it’s a matter of honor. If the team show up, I need to come too, its work honor like what the Japanese practice, plus I get to know the crew a lot better. Those are a bunch of friendly whacky people, fun to be around with and im glad I got assign with them.

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